Drumroll please!! I have finally made my own banners! Yea! Yea! (Took me long enough) Anyways, before I go any further, one absolutely fabulous person needs to be thanked and that is the amazing, fantastic and wonderful SuperPixie. She was such a trooper helping such a major pain like myself with this tedious process. So go visit her page (you can find the link to "We Make our Own Fun" down below) Thanks so much Katie!!
Oh yeah, and just a note-when you paste the html on your page, makes sure to remove the litte ~ symbols before the beginning of each code
ANYWAYS...you know the deal. Get it? Got it?
Good :O)

The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!
<~a href="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/drusilla.html"><~img src="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/believebanner.html" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=150 Border=0 ALT="The Tomb-with A Suprise Inside!"><~/a>

The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!
<~a href="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/drusilla.html"><~img src="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/banner4.jpg" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=150 BORDER=0 ALT="The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!"><~/a>

The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!
<~a href="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/drusilla.html"><~img src="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/banner6.jpg" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=150 BORDER=0 ALT="The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!"><~/a>

The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!
<~a href="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/drusilla.html"><~img src="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/banner7.jpg" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=150 BORDER=0 ALT="The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!"><~/a>

The Tomb-With A SUPRISE Inside!
<~A HREF="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/drusilla.html"><~IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/banner8.jpp" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=150 Border=0 ALT="The TOmb-With A Suprise Inside!"><~/a>

The Tomb-with A Surpise Inside!
<~a href="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/drusilla.html"><~img src="https://members.tripod.com/discodru/banner10.jpg" WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=150 BORDER=0 ALT="The Tomb-With A Suprise Inside!"><~/a>


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